When my sister and I were kids we looked forward to Wednesday’s because our mother would normally bring home a surprise for us. Toys and the occasional comic book were the norm, but what we loved the most was when she brought home sweets. She was never a big fan of regular classics like Skittles or Snickers; her tastes were a bit more fancy than most, so when it came to certain things like chocolate, we knew she would choose something out of the ordinary. Needless to say when she brought home a Cadbury’s Fruit & Nut bar for the first time, we nearly lost our minds. Made from dairy milk chocolate and packed with almonds and raisins, the Fruit and Nut may seem like just an average chocolate bar, but that is definitely not the case. It’s soft, sweet and delicious with a different taste than conventional ones, particularly in its richness. As I’ve gotten older, I have realized that they aren’t as fancy as I once thought, but after years of eating them, they still taste just as good as the first time and are still one of my go to’s when the sweet tooth kicks in. They say that children are prone to picking up their parent’s habits. For this one I say thanks Mom.
For more information about Cadbury Fruit & Nut go to www.cadburyusa.com
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